If I Have Insurance, Why Do I Need a Lawyer?

If you have insurance, you may wonder why you need a lawyer to help you obtain compensation for the costs of an accident and any resulting injuries. Isn’t that what your insurance policy is for? The fact is that insurance companies—even your own—are not on your side. By paying as little as possible to policyholders, they make a profit, which is their primary goal.

The Advantages of Having an Attorney on Your Side

One reason many people give for not hiring an attorney after an accident is that they have insurance, or that the person who caused the accident has insurance. But think about your interests and an insurance company’s interests. Your objective is to obtain maximum compensation to cover the cost of your injuries and damages. The insurance company wants to pay as little as possible to boost its bottom line. That’s a conflict of interest, which means you can’t assume any insurance company is putting you first, no matter what types of promises or slogans they utilize.

Hiring a personal injury attorney after an accident means you will have a professional on your side, only working for you. Not only does an attorney help to level the playing field with the insurance companies and their teams of lawyers, with representation you can focus on your physical and emotional recovery rather than legal procedures and deadlines. Here are some specific reasons you may want—or need—a lawyer:

  • An attorney will keep track of time limits you have for filing legal claims.
  • Personal injury attorneys have experience negotiating with insurance companies.
  • Your lawyer will know how and what evidence to obtain to support your claim(s), such as police reports, witness statements, medical records, and lost wage documentation.
  • Your attorney will correspond with insurance companies on your behalf, from negotiating to making formal demands.
  • If you don’t receive a fair settlement offer, your lawyer will file the necessary paperwork to start a case in court.

Many accident victims need legal representation to get an insurance claim paid on time and in full. Think about it: if you don’t fully understand what your rights are, how will you assert them? Realizing that you may have to fight for compensation—and that you will benefit from professional help in that fight—is the first step to receiving a fair settlement or verdict on your claim(s). Ultimately, your attorney is your advocate, acting for your benefit.

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