
Legal Claims for Truck Accident Injuries

Trucking accidents are second only to car accidents in the amount of injuries caused in motor vehicle collisions in the U.S. each year. Unfortunately, the size differential between a truck and a car (trucks weigh 20-30 times more than a car) increases the severity of injuries and frequency of death when a tractor trailer is involved. Truckers are also known to routinely ignore federal restrictions limiting their working to "only" 11 hours of driving in up to a 14-hour workday. The driver of the truck that struck actor Tracy Morgan’s limo, seriously injuring him and killing one of his co-passengers, had been up 28 hours when the accident occurred.

Such incidents are not uncommon, but despite such safety violations, an injured plaintiff should understand the extra hurdle of taking on a large trucking company, which typically has teams of lawyers on standby who specialize in defeating and/or minimizing victims’ claims. Therefore, it is important for you to find a trucking accident attorney who can zealously and effectively pursue your legal claims. Below are a few general topics you’ll want to keep in mind as you find the best attorney for your semi-accident case.

What You Can Expect to Recover in a Truck Accident Case

If you have been involved in an accident with a big rig, you will be able to recover the cost of damage to your car (which can include total replacement of the car as is often the case in a car-truck collision) as well as the costs of your medical bills, including hospital care and extended treatment and rehabilitation services you may require. Your health and auto insurers may pay for these costs at the outset or as reimbursements, but, in most cases, a plaintiff injured in a trucking accident can still recover these costs in court.

You can also recover the costs you have incurred from missing work due to your injuries. Similarly, if your injuries cause you to have long-term or permanent disability that prevents you from working, the defendants will be required to compensate you for this loss as well.

As the result of serious truck accidents, victims often experience immense pain and suffering as a result of their injuries, and many courts will allow plaintiffs to pursue compensation for enduring that pain and suffering. If the victim died as a result of the trucking accident, the victim’s family may recover against the defendants for the lost earning power of the victim as well as the emotional damage caused by the family’s loss and funeral expenses.

Legal Issues You Can Expect to Face in a Truck Accident Case

In a truck accident claim, you may be facing multiple defendants, including the:

  • Individual truck driver
  • Owner of the truck
  • Trucking company managing the truck
  • Owner of the goods being transported
  • Garage or mechanic responsible for maintaining the condition of the truck

These parties may all seek to shift the blame on one another, or even work together to shift the blame on the victim. A good truck accident attorney will force all of the required parties to compensate their client in full for his or her injuries, and will know how to fight back against the typical legal arguments that trucking company defense attorneys assert.

A quality attorney will also have access to experience accident reconstructionists who will review the accident scene and eyewitness accounts, and assist the lawyer in presenting the most compelling case possible to the mediator, judge or jury.

Qualities to Look For in a Truck Accident Attorney

Trucking companies almost always get a head start on defending motor vehicle collisions involving their drivers and tractor trailers. This situation makes it all the more important to find an attorney who is experienced with litigating truck accident claims and has access to the very best resources to pursue a truck accident claim. Call Attorney Client Match at (888) 636-6700 for help in finding the attorney who is in the best position to handle your case.

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